
Thursday, 17 January 2013

1.     MICRO FRAME COMPUTERS :- Micro frame computer is nothing but desktop piece  FOR EXAMPLE– laptops

Hardware :- Hardware is a physical device which we can view or face the trouble shoot’

1.                 Monitor
2.                 Key Board
3.                 Mouse
4.                 Processor   - C.P.U. ( Central Processing Unit )
5.                 Mother Board
6.                 RAM ( Random Access Memory )
7.                 C.D. Rom ( Compact Disk Read Only Memory )
8.                 Speakers
9.                 Printer
10.                       Scanner
11.                       Web Cam
12.                       Voice chat or Head Phone
13.                       D.V.D. Writer ( Digital Versatile Disk )
14.                       D.V.D. Rom ( Digital Video Disk Read Only memory )
15.                       C.D. Writer ( Compact Disk )
16.                       S.M.P.S. ( Switch Mode Power Supply )
17.                       Hard Disk
18.                       Floppy Disk
19.                       Cabinet
20.                       Graphic Card
21.                       Fax

1.      It occupy minimum space
2.      Minimum 2 or 1 hardware engineers
3.      The system works life long
1.      Current power waste
2.      It’s duration era 1975 to 1995
5th GENERATION :- Laptop or Bio cells
Advantages :-
1.       It occupy a slate space
2.      Minimum one hardware engineer
3.      The system work life long
4.      It’s duration era 1995 onwards

TYPES OF COMPUTERS :-  Totally they are four types of computers. They are-
1.      Super computer
2.      Main frame computer
3.      Mini frame computer
4.      Micro frame computer
1.     SUPER COMPUTERS :- It is  highest computer having a good configuration
FOR EXAMPLE- Rockets or etc
2.     MAIN FRAME COMPUTERS :- Main frame computer is a highest computer having a good configuration like P4 systems
FOR EXAMPLE- USES- This system are used in banks, hotels, school, collages and institutes   
3.     MINI FRAME COMPUTERS :-  Mini frame computers is used up to specific task like D.N.S ( Domain Naming System ) and D.H.C.P ( Dynamic Host Configuration Products )
        FOR EXAMPLE- This systems will used up to limited networking 

  2nd  GENERATION:   In 2 generation there was transistors.
 Batter then first generation.
1. It occupy a half space.
2. Normal heat was generated.
3. Minimum 4 or 5 hardware engineers.
4. The system works for few months.
1.      A/c Requirement.
2.      Current waste.
3.      Money waste.
4.      Its derision era 1955 to 1965.
3 .GENERATION: ITS Integrated circuits.
1.      It occupy quarter space.
2.      Minimum 3 to 4 hardware engineers.
3.      The system works for few years.
1.      Normal heat was generated
2.      A/C requirement
3.      Current waste
4.      Money waste
5.      It’s derision era 1965 to 1975
4.GENERATION  V.L.S.I.C ( Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits )
Advantages :-
 Better than 1st  and 2rd  are 3rd generations

C = Commonly.
O = Operated.
M = Machine.
P = Particularly.
U = Used for.
T = Technical.
E = Education and.
R = Research.
Computer is an electronic deride which taken the data store. It process it and gives the result finally its stored in its memory its information is very speed .
To tamely there are 5 generations.
1st GENERATION: In 1 generation there are 18,000 vacuum tubes.
1.    It occupy a lot of space.
2.    Very big heat was generated.
3.    A/c – Requirement.
4.    Current waste.
5.    Money waste.
6.    Minimum 6 or 7 hardware engineers.
7.    The system works for few days.
8.    Its derision era 1945 to 1955.

A USB Wi-Fi adapter

A USB  Wi-Fi adapter  eliminates the need to hardwire the computer to a router or other network device. ... The  adapter receives signa...
